Hola from Barcelona!

Hola desde Barcelona! 

Some time ago (about a year ago, to be more specific) I had the incredible chance to go on a city break in sunny Barcelona. And you know me, I love me some Spain. It’s one of my favorite countries in the world. I fell in love with it about 12 years ago when I visited it for the first time, so of course I couldn’t miss the chance of going back!

The minute I got there I knew I would like it. The architecture, the weather, the food, the general vibe. It puts you in a good mood. Of course, it’s very touristy, but I think that is part of its charm. We visited it at the end of February so it wasn’t exactly the peak season for tourists, maybe that’s why we didn’t mind that much.

Continue reading “Hola from Barcelona!”


As one might know, I’m a big Marvel and Marvel Cinematic Universe fan so, of course, I’ve already seen Captain Marvel. Now, normally I don’t write reviews about Marvel movies, because they’re something I just enjoy watching without having to think about what I like and I  didn’t like. I did review Captain America: Civil War and Deadpool though.

But anywaaay, given the fact that I’ve seen it on International Women’s Day (Hope you had a fantastic day, ladies!), and Captain Marvel is the first female superhero to get a movie of her own in the MCU, I thought it would be only fitting.

Continue reading “MOVIE TIME: CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019) *Spoilers*”

One Day at a Time (TV Show Review)

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here or anywhere else (except, you know, term papers and uni stuff), but sometimes you just see or watch something and you feel like you should write about it, even if it’s just for you.

Recently I’ve watched this TV show called One Day at a Time and I really loved it. And let me just tell you, it has been quite some time since I saw a TV show or a movie that I can say that I truly liked, especially one that I wanted to write about.

Continue reading “One Day at a Time (TV Show Review)”


Hi! Hello! How are you? It’s been a while since I wrote anything on this blog, but I’ve been really busy all summer and once I got some free time it was difficult for me to get back into writing. However, now I’m trying to get back on track.

I’ll try to go back to writing my movie reviews, my travelling stories and even try to bring something new.

See you soon!

I promise.

Alex D.


Let me begin by saying that Mathis Malzieu is one of my favorite authors. He has such a way with words that you can’t help but fall in love with his stories.

The first book I read by him was The Boy With the Cuckoo Clock Heart (you can read about it here.) and I just fell in love with it. That is why, when I saw The Smallest Kiss in the library I had to buy it and read it, and let me just tell you, it did not disappoint.